
Monday, 1 October 2012


Al Qur`an as a guide not just guiding the human in religion aspect, but it also guiding in every aspect of human life. It means human lifestyle guided by Al Qur`an that certainly have a purpose to make life be better than. And then what a connection between Al Qur`an and Business? is there Al Qur`an guide in Business? what kind connection?

So this is one of many answer that explain what kind connection between Al Qur`an and Business…

Monday, 24 September 2012


Shari’a business now a days have grown quickly, one of the thing that really seen was many conventional bank made they shari’ah bank version. Else of that there are some shari’a bases insurance company created too, and others company with many kind of shari’a bases business. 

Monday, 17 September 2012

Video: Our Bright Sun of Yesterday

I think Reading is the gate of knowledge and science so,

artinya: "1. bacalah dengan (menyebut) nama Tuhanmu yang Menciptakan, 2. Dia telah menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah." [Al-`Alaq : 1-2]

Thursday, 13 September 2012


Process Business
If you get into one of business enterprise and understood what they really do, you will learn that there are many kind of activities in there. This different activities have connection each other that can visualized as a flowchart that have series and parallel connection. And the flowchart will be ended by the goal of business enterprise. It means, although that activities have many kind of job but the big-goal is always one, the goal of enterprise.